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Trivia Night

Trivia Night
Trivia has arrived at the Seabreeze Hotel! Find out more here.
Every Thursday
Seabreeze Hotel

Join us every Thursday for a night of fun and friendly competition at Seabreeze Hotel’s Trivia Night! Gather your mates and put your knowledge to the test.

Registration opens at 6.30pm, with the first question at 7pm sharp. Best of all, it’s free to enter and there are awesome prizes to be won! No matter the size of your team, we welcome all trivia enthusiasts. Just be sure to come up with a clever team name and bring your A-game!

Due to limited seating, bookings are essential. Contact our friendly staff on (07) 4955 1644 to secure your team’s spot. Don’t miss out on the chance to show off your trivia skills and have a great time with friends at Seabreeze Hotel!

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