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Seabreeze Rewards

Seabreeze Rewards

Sign up, save and start earning points for every dollar you spend

Join the Seabreeze Rewards program and earn points for gaming, dining and purchases at Seabreeze Hotel and Seabreeze Liquor Drive-Thru. Enjoy exclusive perks, birthday rewards, random prizes and more!

Exclusive Member Benefits

Sign Up Bonus
 Random Prizes to Win
 Members Jackpot Draws
 Birthday Rewards
 Promotions & Giveaways
 Visitation Points
 Redeem Points for Cash or Discounts

Where to Spend & Earn

Earn and redeem points across our Bistro, Bar, Gaming Lounge and Drive-Thru.

Maximise your rewards by presenting your membership card when making a purchase, swiping at the kiosk or by inserting it into the gaming machines. Keep track of your points balance and tier status conveniently at the loyalty kiosk located in the gaming room.

Sign Up Now

Experience the benefits of our exclusive membership program by simply completing our online sign-up form. Collect your Seabreeze Rewards card the next day from our reception or visit our helpful staff at the Seabreeze Hotel to receive a sign-up form.

Terms & conditions apply.